Social Media Policy Part 2
Policy Purpose:
A. To ensure the privacy and confidentiality of AHN patients and follow all requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act.
B. To define who can use social media websites for AHN outreach communications, and what information they can put on those websites.
C. To protect the reputation and standing of AHN and its employees.
D. To educate AHN employees when they can access their personal social media websites, and how they must protect patient information and not violate AHN policies when using personal social media websites.
E. To inform AHN employees of consequences of violating this policy.
Policy Definitions:
A. Social media: Widely accessible electronic and online tools and services people use to connect with one another and to publish and access information, collaborate on a common effort or build relationships. Social media include but are not limited to five main categories:
1. Social networking, such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, Vine and others, which allow people to interact by adding friends and associates, commenting on profiles, joining groups and having discussions.
2. Social photo and video sharing, such as YouTube, Flickr and others, which allow people to interact by sharing photos or videos and commenting on user submissions.
3. Social news, such as Digg, Propeller, Reddit and others, which allow people to search for articles and comment on them.
4. Social bookmarking, such as, Blinklist, Simpy and others, which allow people to interact by tagging websites and searching through websites bookmarked by other people.
5. Wikis, such as Wikipedia, Wikia and others, which allow people to interact by adding articles and editing existing articles.
B. Information: Knowledge of specific events or situations gathered or received by communication.
C. Protected Health Information (PHI): Information about a patient's health status or about providing health care to a patient, including past, present or future payment for health care services. PHI also includes direct or overheard conversations among caregivers, patients and family members.
D. Employee: When this policy states the word "employee" that word is defined as "employee and affiliate ".
E. Affiliate: This policy applies to people who are affiliates of AHN, defined as follows for the purpose of this policy: residents and fellows; independent credentialed/privileged providers, including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, certified registered nurse anesthetists and midwives; contracted/embedded workforce; independent consultants; volunteers; students.
F. Authorized employee: These are AHN employees the Department of Marketing and Communications assigns or authorizes, as part of their job duties, to post information about AHN on social media websites.